WHS (previously known as OHS)
In NSW new Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws replaced the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws on 1 January 2012. The new laws (Work Health and Safety Act 2011) will provide greater consistency, certainty and clarity across Australia making it easier to understand your workplace health and safety duties.
The best way to avoid workers compensation claims is to prevent them. Ensuring you have a safe work environment, your employees are adequately trained and appropriate business procedures are in place will help you save money. ABILITY GROUP has WHS experts who are experienced nationally in helping maintain costs at a sustainable level by managing business and financial aspects in harmony with injured employees.
They are well versed in;
- Risk management
- Return to work plans and injury management
- Policy and procedure development and implementation
- Managing workers compensation claims
- Accredited return to work coordinator
- Training of safety and harmonisation
- Audits
Recently one of our experts has completed an emergency evacuation plan as well as assisted in preparation for a WorkCover audit for a large self-insured organisation.
Let ABILITY GROUP take the stress and administration out of your WHS/OHS functions.