Industry News, Information & Insights
Flexible Work Arrangements
New rules have been added to the Modern Awards from 1st December 2018 for Flexible Work Arrangements. If you have employees who have worked with you for 12 months or longer they can request flexible working arrangements. Flexible Work Arrangements...
Recent Award Changes
As of 1 November 2018, the Fair Work Commission have made changes to a large number of modern awards. Although many of these changes are wording related, there are a number of key changes that many businesses need to be aware of and act upon....
Mental Illness – Fastest Growing Workplace Injury
Independent research shows Mental Illness is the fastest growing workplace injury and is costing hundreds of billions per year. The Australian Council of Trade Unions has welcomed some recommendations from the Productivity Commission, including...
Overdue Premium Adjustments
For all NSW workers compensation policy holders with a 30 June 2018 Renewal date, the deadline to submit Declaration of Actual Wages was 31 October 2018. If you have missed this date, your submission is now overdue. icare has advised that the...