Workers Compensation Specialists

CONSULT ABILITY are workers compensation specialists providing professional consulting services and solutions.

Workers Compensation Program Review

ABILITY GROUP are experts in undertaking either comprehensive or high-level reviews of your workers compensation program.

In conducting any review we leverage the following to ensure favourable outcomes for you and your business;

  • extensive workers compensation technical expertise and knowledge
  • active insurer network and ability to know the right people in our industry that can make things happen
  • professionalism and understanding
  • sustainable solutions that stabilise your workers compensation costs
  • a comprehensive partner network that can provide niche or complementary skills and expertise

Making this happen by;

  • analyse premium and claims data
  • invest the time to understand your business
  • review of your current providers and their services
  • premium and classification evaluation
  • claims analysis and profiling

Tender Management and Co-ordination

ABILITY GROUP have comprehensive knowledge of the respective performance and services provided by each insurer nationally and we can assist you with your selection to ensure alignment with your business-specific needs.

We have successfully helped clients in refreshing their workers compensation programs by leading or coordinating tendering processes with insurers. ABILITY GROUP’s knowledge, network and knowing the right people, provide you unique ability to ensure you receive an optimal service tailored to your specific business and needs.

Changing insurers can include significant hidden costs to your business. We can help you re-tender with your current insurer to avoid such costs and in the majority of situations given our network simultaneously obtain improved service for the benefit of your workers compensation program.

Happy with your current insurer and want assistance to leverage improved service, then we can also assist.

Premium Reduction Strategies

Workers compensation requirements vary in each state and the legislation is complex. Our experience in optimising workers compensation premiums within the legislative requirements is highly refined.

Our primary goal is to sustainably reduce your premium without impacting the service and support provided to your employees.

Reducing your workers compensation premium is a direct positive impact to your bottom-line profitability and in some cases can significantly improve financial viability.

Making this happen by;

  • premium modelling and forecasting
  • premium allocation to increase cost awareness and accountability within your business
  • decision support and business scenario analysis (e.g. M&A, restructuring, redundancies and termination, workforce modelling, high-cost injuries, etc)
  • divisional performance analysis and comparison where applicable

Strategic Claims Management

Claims experience can significantly impact your workers compensation premiums unless actively managed. Should you need strategic assistance or advice in how to improve your claims handling, ABILITY GROUP can provide you with the support that can assist your injured employees and avoid future premium increases.

ABILITY GROUP can provide you with variety of strategic options ranging from individual claims advice and support to a fully outsourced business model. We can provide you with a feasibility analysis of a model tailored specifically to your business and budget.

Making this happen by;

  • claims review
  • claims portfolio monitoring
  • tailored support for difficult or complex claims

Process Improvement

Most businesses have numerous processes that have evolved based on your knowledge in your field of expertise. Often processes are considered from the point view of or perspective of a specialist within the business area rather than from someone with workers compensation knowledge.

Workers compensation processes are highly specialised, technical and regulated. ABILITY GROUP can help alleviate the frustration and at times highly stressful aspects of workers compensation, leaving you to focus on your core business.

Making this happen by;

  • establishing workers compensation process tailored for your business and/or
  • reviewing your workers compensation processes
  • ensure regulatory compliance
  • identify opportunities for process improvement and efficiency
  • outsourcing feasibility of selected or all workers compensation processes


We have successfully led appeal processes on behalf of clients with the respective workers compensation governing bodies to alleviate the stress and distraction these events can cause to your day-to-day business.

  • Disagree with a recent wage audit?
  • Need assistance with lodging a formal appeal?
  • Don’t have time to sort out technicalities associated with workers compensation and respective legislation?

Optimisation review outcomes could include;

  • premium and cost reductions
  • improved provider service and support
  • increased accountability (e.g. via improved awareness and visibility of workers compensation costs)
  • cultural and behavioural change
  • enhanced reporting (e.g. board and management reporting)
  • actionable business insights

We're Here To Help


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Head Office - 92A Longueville Road Lane Cove 2066