Does Rehab WorkFollowing disappointing previous experiences, we tend to get asked “Does workplace rehabilitation actually work?” Like most things when managed professionally, rehab will accelerate return to work (RTW) and help minimise people, financial and business impacts. Workplace rehabilitation providers are allied health professionals that are accredited to deliver workplace rehabilitation services to help injured workers return to work in a safe and sustainable manner. Unfortunately not all rehab providers and their consultants are created equally. We are very proud that HEALTH ABILITY has a 100% RTW Rate and actively contributing to sustainable RTW of our client and broker’s clients injured workers. To find out more about rehab and it being free for NSW businesses click through…

Does Workplace Rehabilitation Work – To understand if workplace rehabilitation works, we provide an explanation of it below. At the time of writing and with no plans to see this change, HEALTH ABILITY has a 100% Return to Work Rate that is unheard of across rehabilitation providers. We believe we think and act differently which helps ensure our clients and injured workers receive the best possible support and advice.

What are rehab providers? What do they do? Why are they beneficial to your business?

Workplace rehabilitation providers are allied health professionals that are accredited to deliver workplace rehabilitation services to help injured workers return to work in a safe and durable manner. They have the qualifications, experience and expertise appropriate to provide advice, assessment and intervention if needed to ensure the worker returns safely and comfortably back to work. They also act as a communication conduit to prevent gaps between other professionals involved in the return to work process such as doctors, physio’s, employers and the insurer.

The Occupational rehab provider will:

  • Receive a written referral from your Insurer/Agent which will include information about your claim, capacity for work, your injury and key contacts that are assisting you with your return to work i.e. your GP, specialist and physio.
  • Initial contact is made to tell you about their role as a rehab provider and set up a time to meet with you and your employer to discuss your return to work processes. This is completed to identify suitable duties at work which are suitable for your injury, identify any barriers preventing your return to work, propose strategies to eliminate them, and monitor your progress.
  • Make initial contact with your GP and any other treating professionals to discuss your injury and options for return to work. This is a key step to understand what capacity you may have to undertake suitable duties and make sure your return to work is a safe and durable one.
  • Rehabilitation services are tailored to meet an individuals’ needs and will differ depending on whether you can return to your pre-injury employer or whether you need to secure employment at a new workplace.

Things are easier when everyone communicates regularly and works together. Our rehabilitation providers understand all facets of the return to work process and are making this happen on a day to day basis.

If you think you, or an injured worker you look after at your place of employment may require rehabilitation services, contact us today on (02) 8317 7771 or (02) 9098 5500.