A professionally organised Warm Up Program can improve workers health & wellbeing. With numerous benefits, key Warm Up Program outcomes can include reduced absenteeism, workplace injuries & workers compensation claim related costs
Everywhere we look we are told “exercise is medicine”, but what are the workplace benefits of a warm up for manual workers; it is not just the worker’s health that improves with a professionally run program.
A 2016 paper found that an exercise program run by qualified personnel, specifically with support of the employer, increased productivity and reduced health expenses in relation to the benefits achieved. Employees themselves in the research demonstrated: reduced pain; improved metabolic markers (including: BMI; body fat percentage; blood cholesterol); increased strength and even improved cardio respiratory fitness. All these factors impact the savings on health expenses by the business for possible work cover claims, sick days and improved efficiency.
Another study found that even 5 minutes of a wrist exercise program improved circulation in manual workers performing repetitive tasks. An exercise program for a full body warm up may increase blood flow throughout all joints that can be compromised by repetitive work. Wrists, elbows, shoulders, back, hips, knees and ankles would all benefit as all are subject to soft tissue injuries implicated by compromised blood flow and altered bio mechanics.
Workers and employers benefit from work organised professionally run training or “Warm up at Work” programs. Contact ABILITY GROUP to find oout how our qualified allied health professionals can tailor a program specifically for your business and workers.