by ABILITY GROUP | Jul 15, 2019 | Bullying, Claim management, Human Resources, Injury Prevention, Occupational Violence
A significant contributor to employee absence is workplace bullying. Workplace bullying is reflective of a persistent pattern of mistreatment from others causing either physical or emotional harm, typically through humiliation, verbal and physical means.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jun 4, 2019 | Human Resources
Commonly during an interview you will be asked about your current health status, but how do you know whether they are being honest with the information they disclose? Here are 3 ways to ensure workers disclose their pre-existing health issues.
by ABILITY GROUP | Mar 14, 2019 | Human Resources
For many businesses it can be difficult to navigate the requirements of employing and paying staff the correct entitlements. At times some businesses however deliberately unpaid their staff. A recent start-up business was fined heavily & made an example of for underpaying staff.
by Marc Ring | Dec 5, 2018 | Human Resources
New rules have been added to the Modern Awards from 1st December 2018 for Flexible Work Arrangements. If you have employees who have worked with you for 12 months or longer they can request flexible working arrangements.
by ABILITY GROUP | Nov 19, 2018 | Human Resources
As of 1 November 2018, the Fair Work Commission have made changes to a large number of modern awards. Although many of these changes are wording related, there are a number of key changes that many businesses need to be aware of and act upon.
by ABILITY GROUP | Oct 2, 2018 | Human Resources
Recently the Fair Work Commission (FWC) made the decision to increase Saturday penalty rates for all casual workers under the General Retail Industry Award.