Reduce Impact of Claims

Reduce Impact of Claims

ABILITY GROUP | Reduce Claims ImpactReduce Impact of Claims

For many businesses, workers compensation claims don’t only impact customers and other workers, they can have severe financial impacts. Since 1 July 2013, NSW legislation reforms mean businesses with workers compensation premiums >$30,000 are claims experience rated. In simple terms this means these premiums will increase for 3 years due to claims costs and often for every $1 in claims costs you pay more in premium. Like to reduce the impacts of claims?


ABILITY GROUP Saves Newest Client $350,000

ABILITY GROUP Saves Newest Client $350,000

ABILITY GROUP SuccessABILITY GROUP Saves Newest Client $350,000

We want to share our latest client success story where last Friday we presented to the CEO of our newest client that we have delivered $350,000 (1st year refund in round terms) of workers compensation premium related savings. Our client’s CEO and board are ecstatic, having since signed ABILITY GROUP as their specialist workers compensation partner on a long term service agreement to ensure sustainability of their program.


Business in workers compensation trouble

Business in workers compensation trouble

Caution SignBusiness in workers compensation trouble

Accidents can happen in the work place or environment your people are exposed to.  This story resonated with us as we have sadly seen a claim where an accident resulted in the death of young apprentice, aged 16.  Every business needs to be aware of their obligations to the safety of their people and even more diligent with the young apprentices who need training, support and mentoring.


Reduce workers compensation costs

Reduce workers compensation costs

Reduce your workers compensation costsWorkers compensation is often the largest insurance cost for a business and it  directly reduces business profits.  For many businesses workers compensation is expensive, complex to manage and a source of frustration. If not effectively managed, workers compensation can be unpredictable making many believe it is an uncontrollable business expense.

ABILITY GROUP  can alleviate your stress and frustrations by providing recommendations to control  or reduce your workers compensation costs. (more…)

Return to Work Services

Return to Work Services

Return to work services & solutions

A RTW Coordinator,  RTW Program and other  requirements are compulsory for businesses with 20+ employees or NSW workers compensation premiums $50,000+.

To allow businesses to meet their regulatory compliance requirements, ABILITY GROUP provides specialist RTW services or outsourced solutions allowing you to focus on your core business.  Our return to work specialists will ensure expenses are tightly controlled and managed thereby minimising premium increases.
