2015-16 Renewal Capping

2015-16 Renewal Capping

Renewal IncreaseIn the new scheme changes, NSW WorkCover introduced a provision for a premium capping. Although not widely known, relevant businesses are able to apply for certain capping. Developing a business case to support the application, ABILITY GROUP can assist clients apply for this capping free of charge with fees payable only if we are able to secure a greater savings than those identified in the new legislation.


WorkCover Appeals

WorkCover Appeals

WorkCover AppealsVarious sections of the NSW Workers Compensation Act 1987 allow a business to lodge a WorkCover appeal. We have seen the upcoming changes already impact some businesses as they face financial pressure caused by higher premium and there could be grounds for appeal. Although circumstances are often unique, ABILITY GROUP has a successful record in winning appeals on behalf of clients.
