On June 3rd, Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker announced the regulator’s priorities for the year ahead. This will direct the agency’s compliance work and enforcement outcomes for 2019/20.

The priority industries and issues the FWO will be focusing on for 2019/2020 are:

  • Fast Food, restaurants and cafes
  • Horticulture and the harvest trail
  • Supply chain risks
  • Franchisors
  • Sham Contracting

It was highlighted by Ms Parker that vulnerable workers will continue to be a priority for the agency, along with matters that are of significant public interest, demonstrate a blatant disregard for the law, are of large scale or impacts the community or workers and can test and use new laws.

Employers who break the law will be publicly named to get the message across that it is not acceptable to underpay workers or deprive them of entitlements. Employers will be caught, if they do this.

FWO now has the power to compel records if and when an employee comes to them and says they have not been paid.

A bigger role has been flagged for compliance notices to address underpayments, breaches of awards and the National Employee Standards.

These notices will be simplified so it is easier for employers to understand what they need to do. If employers do not comply with the terms of the compliance notice, the FWO won’t retract from taking them to court to seek penalties.

The regulators Compliance and Enforcement policy will be updated to reflect these changes.

For further information: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/about-us/news-and-media-releases/2019-media-releases/june-2019/20190603-aig-pir-media-release