Industry News, Information & Insights
What are Suitable Duties?
Suitable Duties is a common workers' compensation insurance term often used in the context of workplace injury or illness management. Suitable duties are an important part of supporting a worker's recovery & Return to Work (RTW). Depending on...
WHS Penalities – Cleanaway Facing $1.5M Fine
National Waste Management company, Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd is facing charges of up to $1.5 million for failing to provide appropriate Work Health & Safety systems for their workers. In June 2021 a worker was injured while using a machine...
Workers Compensation Journey Claims
In Australia, each State & Territory has different workers compensation legislation & therefore the treatment of "Journey claims" (to/from work) vary. Given the complexities of workers compensation legislation, travelling or Journey claims...
Workers Compensation Premiums Rise
Across Australia, workers compensation premiums are increasing. In NSW, icare communicated premium increases with an average of 8% over the next 3 years. In Victoria, WorkCover has set the average premium rate for 2023/24 at 1.8%. ReturnToWork SA...