Our regular readers will know that the 30 June 2015 NSW workers compensation legislation changes have been a burning issue for the last 6 months or more. Many would also know that the legislation changes caused significant delays in for the NSW insurers being able to process the 2015/16 premium renewals as well as how many businesses have/will experience higher renewals under the new formula.
ABILITY GROUP is in regular discussion with the NSW insurers and are relieved to advise that we understand that close to 100% of the 30 June 2015 renewals have been processed, with only highly complex businesses outstanding. The insurers are now rapidly processing the July to December 2015 renewals which should now mean the majority of medium to large NSW businesses will receive their premiums calculated via the new formula. Business will also first hand understand if their premiums have increased or decreased as a result of the changes.
2015/16 Renewal Processing Update – Should you receive a NSW 2015/16 workers compensation premium renewal that is materially higher than you expected, please contact us to discuss.
For further reference, please refer to the the previous articles on 2015/16 Rnewals found here.