Reduce Costs Success GraphABILITY GROUP was engaged by a client after their premiums increased materially after a frustrating claim. Despite their continued frustrating efforts to achieve a desired outcome, the insurer was unable to delivery what our client was seeking.   Our strategic claims review and subsequent efforts delivered $140,000 of workers compensation related refunds.

CLAIMS REVIEW SAVES CLIENT $140,000 – Before engaging ABILITY GROUP, our client had spent numerous attempts to work with their insurer to ensure a workers compensation claim was handled in the appropriate manner. Despite these efforts the claim costs continued to escalate causing materially higher premiums for the following 2 years.

When first engaged ABILITY GROUP undertook a comprehensive review of our clients’ historical claims and when asked about this particular claim the client informed us they had tried to have the claim managed in a particular manner yet this had not succeeded. Our specialist consultant worked with our client to understand the background and proceeded to work with the insurer in reviewing case files. Our review identified a key anomaly and after undertaking an appeal we secured $140,000 of gross savings for our client.