We Love RehabThe main focus of the workers compensation is to enable injured workers to stay at work or return to work following a work related injury. Workplace rehabilitation plays an important role by involving timely intervention with appropriate and adequate service based needs to assist injured workers back into the workplace. We are pleased to say our specialist rehab business HEALTH ABILITY has a 100% return to work rate and can support businesses.

HEALTH ABILITY 100% RTW RATE – The NSW legislation changes also mean workers compensation claim related rehab services do not increase the cost of these claims and importantly no longer impact subsequent premiums – effectively making rehab services, an important catalyst for accelerating the return to work of injured employees, free for NSW businesses.

There is considerable evidence that shows, workplace based interventions provide better outcomes for injured workers, when injured workers stay active this promotes recovery and reduces the risk of long term disability and an offer of suitable employment with active engagement of employers in return to work planning significantly reduces the duration and associated costs of workers comp claims.

HEALTH ABILITY our specialist rehabilitation business has a 100% RTW rate or duration outcome. Next month we are excited to announce a new rehabilitation consultant will be joining our team and look forward to introducing her to you.