In August 2016, our Significant NSW icare Changes article outlined the latest NSW workers compensation changes taking effect in 2017. icare (previously WorkCover NSW) will directly administer policy and billing for the NSW workers compensation scheme. Details since the original announcement have been sparse however we understand NSW businesses will be able to use either an online portal, icare Customer Support Centre or Service NSW to provide wage declarations, make premium related payments and related matters. Many businesses are concerned with the service they will receive following the change, however we see these changes as exciting. At ABILITY GROUP will continue to actively support our clients and brokers with personalise and responsive service.
icare Reform Update – When these latest icare changes take effect in 2017, NSW will become similar to the South Australian workers compesnation scheme where RTWSA administer the policies and related matters, with EML and GB’s as the claims agents or TPA’s.
Following these changes we believe it will continue to be important for brokers and clients alike to remained focused on actively managing their workers compensation to ensure their premiums are sustainable. Effective and efficient injury, claim management and retunr to work processes will become increasingly important. By engaging ABILITY GROUP, we will help assist protecting your business against the volatility of workers ocmpensation premium changes.
Contact us to discuss these changes and more.