From 1st March 2017 all new NSW workers compensation policies are required to be lodged directly to icare via their online portal. Businesses retain an option to select which insurer will manage their claims. Renewing policies from 30 April will transition.

icare Update – NSW Transition – ABILITY GROUP regularly use this portal to lodge new business and are happy to assist our partners and clients with this.

Existing policies will be transitioned to icare at their next renewal date from 30 April 2017. Once transitioned all policy queries, payments, certificate of currency’s and renewal documents will be managed by icare. Please continue to contact us for action on any of these matters.

As previously advised CGU has withdrawn from the NSW Workers Compensation scheme when their current agency agreement with icare expires at the end of 2017. Will the remaining 4 insurers keep the license or will the number of insurers decrease even more? The 2018 NSW Workers Compensation Agent tender announcement should be made over the next 1-2 months.