Onsite physiotherapy is an important injury prevention strategy. When utilised successfully onsite physio can help businesses proactively avoid or minimise workplace injuries, identify injury prone work practices and generally improving employee productivity, wellness and morale.

Onsite Physiotherapy Benefits – An individual spends on average one third of their life at work and therefore it is important that the workplace not only provides a supportive and risk-free environment, but also adopts preventative measures to better manage and educate employees on their health and ways to further reduce their risk of injury.

In most cases, an injury can easily be fixed through early treatment and intervention. An onsite physio provides the opportunity for workers to gain quick and easy access to help when they first start feeling pains or niggles and prevent a chronic, long term injury from evolving.

Another benefit having an onsite physio involves the physio’s developed understanding of the workplace and any risk factor behaviour required for the completion of daily tasks. With this understanding comes the ability to identify areas of injury occurrence and implement measures to manage, prevent and treat these conditions during the work day.

Work-related musculoskeletal disease (WRMSD) places a burden on employed Australians and their workplace. The most prevalent mechanism of WRMSD is known as ‘body stressing’. ‘Body stressing’ can arise within both manual and sedentary workforces. High exposure to tasks that involve manual handling, muscle loading and repetitive movements is a large risk factor for the development of a work related musculoskeletal condition.

Like to understand onsite physiotherapy benefits for your business? Contact our allied health professionals to gain insights and discuss strategies appropriate for your workplace.