You can be excused if you missed the recent important changes regarding RTW in NSW. At ABILITY GROUP we’ve got this and outline the key changes as well as how these changes impact NSW Category 1 and Category 2 businesses. If this makes no sense to you, then you should read more.

NSW RTW Changes

RTW compliance in NSW – are you across the changes?

Are you confident that your business or organisation is RTW compliant?

New changes for return to work (RTW) compliance in NSW took effect as of 31 May 2017.

  • RTW compliance and enforcement is managed by SafeWork NSW and their Inspectors.

The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) updated the Guidelines for workplace return to work programs – and this replaces the version released in 2010.

The main changes:

  1. How you consult
    • Employers’ are now required to clearly outline how they meet their RTW consultation obligations in their RTW Programs or equivalent procedures
  2. RTW Coordinator training
  • The previously mandatory 2 day RTW Coordinator course is no longer a requirement
  • SIRA are developing their own online course to provide RTW coordinator training
  • In the interim – an employer must appoint a RTW coordinator who has the relevant training, skills and competency
  • for our valued ABILITY GROUP Package clients, we provide you this RTW compliance as an outsourced RTW coordinator
  1. Nominated workplace rehabilitation providers
    • Category One employers still need to nominate a preferred workplace rehabilitation provider in their RTW program or procedures
    • for our valued ABILITY GROUP Package clients, we provide you access to our partnered rehabilitation provider, HEALTH ABILITY (approved NSW provider #752)

Am I RTW Compliant?

With the recent RTW changes in NSW – RTW compliance has been streamlined to make it easier and clearer on what you need to have in place, depending on whether you are a Category One or Category Two employer.

  • If you’re not sure which category employer is applicable – please refer to the section below

There are differences in RTW compliance requirements for Category One and Category Two employers.

Some key questions for you to consider are:

  1. Do I know who my RTW coordinator is?
  2. Do I have a RTW program or equivalent procedure in place?
  3. Have I consulted with my workers about RTW?
  4. Is a RTW program or procedure in place, and when is it to be next reviewed?

If you are not sure about your RTW compliance or if you need assistance, ABILITY GROUP would be happy to help!

  • Please contact us on (02) 9908 5500 to speak our team about your RTW needs.

Am I a Category One or Two employer?

A category one employer is an employer:

  • with a basic tariff premium over $50,000 a year, or
  • who is self-insured, or
  • insured by a specialised insurer and has over 20 employees

If none of the above criteria apply to your business or organisation, then you are a Category Two employer.

Further information: