8+ million Australians go to work each day with many in manual or sedentary workplaces. Mounting evidence supports onsite physio as a strategy to minimise workplace injuries. With an average of 1/3 of an individual’s life spent at work, it is becoming vital for businesses to adopt measures to prevent, manage and educate employees regarding their health. Using a physio in the workplace is a preventative strategy for businesses wanting to minimise costs, reduce workers compensation claims and more.
On-site Physio Benefits – Placing a physiotherapist onsite in the workplace is a strategic way to help the business minimise cost by reducing WorkCover claims, minimising lost time due to injuries and generally improving employee productivity, wellness and morale.
Work-related musculoskeletal disease (WRMSD) in Australia is emerging as an epidemic and which in turn produces a large burden on employed Australians and their workplace. The most prevalent mechanism of WRMSD is known as ‘body stressing’. ‘Body stressing’ can arise from a wide array of occupations and their related responsibilities. These problems can arise within both manual and sedentary workforces. High exposure to tasks that involve manual handling, muscle loading and repetitive movements is a large risk factor for the development of a work related musculoskeletal condition.
On site physiotherapy is a proven strategic approach to reducing WRMSD in Australia. The physiotherapist develops an understanding of the workplace and any risk factor behaviour required for the completion of daily tasks. With this understanding comes the ability to identify areas of injury occurrence and implement measures to manage, prevent and treat these conditions during the work day.