In April 2020 the National Cabinet agreed to National COVID-19 Safe Workplace Principles to ensure the safety of all workers during the pandemic. 10 mandatory principles were designed to set WHS expectations for all workplaces to reduce COVID-19 transmission risks. So what’s the verdict?

10 mandatory principles were designed to set health and safety expectations for all workplaces and ensure reduction in risks of COVID-19 being transmitted in the workplace.

All businesses must assess, identify, understand, and quantify risks to implement control – Third Principle.

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) has joined in on praise and says the move will protect Australia’s workforce and economy.

“SIRA strongly supports the decisions of the National Cabinet on Friday April 24, to develop national worker health and safety guidance on COVID-19” – SIRA spokesperson.

“SIRA is committed to advancing the wellbeing and confidence of NSW businesses so that they can actively engage in the economy and society during the COVID-19 epidemic. It is important that businesses can operate safely, with the support they need, so that injured road users and workers can continue to recover and return to work.”

SafeWork NSW also has regulatory powers, as determined under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and WHS Regulation 2017.

Improvement notices, prohibition notices and in certain circumstances, penalty notices for failure to comply can be issued by the regulator.

SIRA has put into effect a number of measures to support businesses and workers responding to the changes and in preparation for the post-pandemic environment.

The two new vocation programs, JobCover6 and Connect2work are some of the measures implemented by SIRA. Further measures are being worked on that will make it easier for businesses to protect their injured workers and maintain their workers compensation requirements as they start to reopen.

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Source: Insurance Business Australia

Title: What’s the verdict on the National COVID-19 Safe Workplace Principles?

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