Following a recent accident in a NSW café where a man suffered severe burns resulting from a gas cylinder explosion, a Government Ministerial Media Release advises SafeWork will be cracking down on gas appliances and in particular in restaurants.

Government Safety Focus On Gas Appliances – During July 2014 to July 2016 there was 18 workers compensation claims resulting from incidents involving LPG Cylinders in the hospitality industry.  Most recently, a gas cylinder exploded, and a man suffered severe burns at a cafeteria in Lismore.

Safe Work NSW recently announced a Ministerial Media Release | 23/12/2017 “Government cracks down on dangerous use of gas appliances in NSW restaurants” from the report, SafeWork NSW visited 432 food businesses, out of these 99 were found using portable gas appliances in breach of work health and safety law.  Commercial kitchens should be cooking with gas connected to fixed mains or industrial cylinders not using portable LP gas Cylinders.

Under the harmonised WHS legislation, you have a duty of care to ensure a safe work environment for your workers, including visitor and members of the public.

There have been many incidents where LP gas cylinders have exploded and caused fires.  As LP gas is heavier than air, so it will settle in low areas rather than dissipate.  If the cylinder or attached equipment leaks and exposed to an ignition source, an explosive mixture is formed.

If you must use a portable gas appliance:

  • Operated in well-ventilated areas,
  • Regularly check for leaks,
  • Turn it off when it’s not in use,
  • Avoid storing it indoors.
  • Ensure there is a current test mark (not more than 10 years old) on the Cylinder.

ABILITY GROUP can support you with any WHS requirements to address these risks, please contact us for more information
