Michael joins our team with extensive injury & claims management, Work Health & Safety (WHS) as well as workplace safety compliance experience. In completing his Bachelor of Commerce, Michael’s understanding of  business complements his desire to help people & prevent risks.

Introducing Michael – In addition to being a workers compensation and safety professional, in his spare time, Michael is a devoted West Tigers supporter and plays soccer for some fitness and the social aspect.

Get to know Michael:

Favourite song? Shape of You – Ed Sheeran

Favourite movie? The Avengers

Favourite Restaurant? Flying Fish

Favourite holiday destination? Paris, France

3 famous people you would invite to dinner and why?

Barack Obama – He seems like a very smart yet cool person who would be great to talk to.

Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft) – Would love to pick his brain on how he turned Microsoft around.

Jeff Bezos (CEO Amazon.com) – Similar to Satya would love to know his thinking behind the changes to Amazon over the years.