Review and Workers Compensation Optimisation

As workers compensation specialist consultants, ABILITY GROUP can review your current processes, premium arrangements or implement claims and injury management strategies to optimise your workers compensation program and in the majority of situations save you money.

Workers compensation is a controllable expense, yet most businesses view it as uncontrollable due to believing it is just a cost of doing business and more like a tax.  It is commonly the highest insurance spend and it is usually the second highest business cost after employee wages.  Many find workers compensation frustrating, confusing and is often under resourced and misunderstood. Reductions in workers compensation claims and premiums will have a direct positive impact on your profitability and people.

Case Study

A recent client, a medium-sized building company, approached ABILITY GROUP for advice as their workers compensation premium had increased dramatically due to poor claims experience. Operating in a tight margin business and strong competition from local competitors, the 90% increase in our client’s workers compensation premium was an unbudgeted expense that literally threatened the financial viability of their business.

Following initial discussions, ABILITY GROUP was engaged to undertake a workers compensation program review with our client’s objective of optimising their program and identifying cost reduction opportunities.

ABILITY GROUP’s review identified a variety of possible strategies that would optimise our client’s business, with each option having projected workers compensation premium reductions.

By engaging ABILITY GROUP, our client was able to make an informed decision that led directly to reducing their workers compensation premium by $70,000.


Need help or want more information?
  • Does the above case study sound similar to what your business is facing?
  • Do you need assistance in navigating workers compensation?
  • Want your workers compensation program reviewed and optimised?
  • Want to focus on your business and have a workers compensation specialist help you?
  • Don’t have a trained Return To Work Coordinator in your business and need help to meet regulatory compliance?

Contact ABILITY GROUP to discuss how we can assist you.