Under Work Health & Safety Act, Platforms (deemed a PCBU) must ensure risks are eliminated or controlled, includes features of the app or the delivery process that can create a risk to rider/drivers health and safety. From 1 July 2022, in keeping food delivery riders safe, they must be provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to do their job safely.

Under Work Health & Safety Act, Platforms (deemed a PCBU) must ensure risks are eliminated or controlled, includes features of the app or the delivery process that can create a risk to rider/drivers health and safety.

The Platform, as a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) has specific duties under the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (The Act).

The Platform must provide riders/drivers with the information, training and instructions as to how the rider/driver need to do the job safely. This must be completed before a rider/driver starts carrying out the work. This includes information and training about:

  • General road safety and road rules relevant to the type of vehicle, safe riding practices, vehicle pre-start checks, maintenance checks, common road hazards and situations like wet weather and ‘dooring’
  • Hazard and fatigue management – including, managing work hours and fatigue, use of multiple apps, use of drugs and alcohol, medications, medical issues and the impacts on workplace safety
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – the selection and provision of appropriate PPE including the proper use of PPE
  • WHS duties and obligations – providing information to riders/drivers as to what they must do to stay safe while working

The provision & use of adequate PPE is use of A retroreflective outer clothing item, which can be highly visible vests, shirts or jackets both visible during day and night and a bag or container for safely transporting food or drink that comply with the relevant Australian Standard. It is also required from the platforms to provide training, information and instructions to the drivers regarding General Road safety, Hazard and fatigue management, WHS duties and obligations.

For more information, please refer to SafeWork reference materials below.

Source: SafeWork NSW

Title: Food Delivery Industry

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