SIRA has established a team of inspectors to focus on improving employer compliance with injury management and return to work-obligations. This expert team will ensure compliance, enforcement and offer advice so that employers meet their obligations to their injured workers and support their Return to Work (RTW) recovery process.

These inspectors will target workplaces based on workers’ compensation claim data as well as complaints. Inspectors may visit a workplace where they have identified a claim with low return to work outcome or if an employer may not be meeting its obligations.

As well as educating employers on how to support their workers to return to work after injury, inspectors can also issue improvement or penalty notices in order to raise the standard of employer practices.

Non-compliance with improvement notices can lead to further significant fines for employers. This will eliminate bad practices that lead to delayed recovery of injured workers as employers have a significant impact on a worker’s recovery, especially in the early stages of injury.

ABILITY GROUP specialises in providing businesses of all sizes with affordable RTW Compliance options ranging from outsourcing to advice-based services to help your existing employees. Our team also help improve your injured worker’s return to work outcomes to allow you to focus on your core business functions. 

Not NSW RTW compliant? Contact our injury management specialists for advice and support.

Source: SIRA

Title: SIRA launches new inspectorate focused on workers compensation return to work performance

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