by Marc Ring | Feb 6, 2023 | Human Resources
Performance management can be a positive experience when handled correctly. The process is never easy & even good organisations may find a staff member disagrees with the assessment, genuinely believing they are being bullied while being performance managed. What can you do & can I get help?
by Marc Ring | Jan 10, 2021 | Claim management, Health & Wellbeing, Injured Worker, Injury Management
Has one of your workers been injured outside of work and do you, as a business have an obligation to provide assistance to your worker? A non-work related injury/illness is defined as an injury or illness that did not arise out of or in the course of the workers employment.
by Marc Ring | Nov 23, 2020 | Consulting, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
It isn’t surprising Australians call the December to January period the silly season. It is one of the busiest times of the year & one of the most dangerous periods for workers. It is therefore important for businesses to be aware of risks of physical injuries & mental health mental health in the workplace at this time of year. (more…)
by Marc Ring | Sep 16, 2020 | Injury Management
Many businesses are unsure what to do when they have an employee with a non-work related injury. Common questions that arise include; As an employer, what is my role? Can the injury become a workers compensation claim? Where can I get help?
by Marc Ring | Aug 4, 2020 | Claim management, Workers Compensation
Workplace injuries can have dramatic business impacts. Current legislation means the effective management of workers compensation claims is essential in minimising increases to your workers insurance premiums as well as reducing other business impacts.