Meet Sean

Meet Sean

Sean is HEALTH ABILITY’s newest team member and physiotherapist.  After playing soccer & futsal throughout his youth, Sean’s lifestyle is health, fitness & wellbeing focused. Sean is regularly in the gym, outside hiking or cycling. Sean’s other passions include nutrition and pilates.


Meet Sean

Meet Daniel

Daniel is the newest member of in our HEALTH businesses (HEALTH ABILITY & PROHEALTH PHYSIO). After competing at high levels for athletics, cricket and soccer, Daniel is motivated by his experience and is able to leverage in delivering sustainable results.

Being an athlete himself, Daniel has always been in and out of physiotherapy clinics with sport related injuries. This, in conjunction with his mother’s diagnosis of severe scoliosis, inspired him to become a physiotherapist. Daniel completed his Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Australian Catholic University (ACU) and has exposure treating a variety of injuries.

Daniel is also passionate about health and fitness. He is a qualified personal trainer and has a wealth of knowledge around creating comprehensive exercise programs for clients to achieve their fitness goals.


Meet Sean

Welcome Michael

Michael AjakaWe are thrilled to introduce you to Michael our new clinical physiotherapist. Michael has always been involved in the health/fitness industry and understands what it is like to be on the treatment table after many years of elite training as a professional swimmer. When Michael hung-up his goggles he decided to dedicate his career to helping others in the way that many physios had helped him. Michael’s career began by completing his Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science followed by his Masters of Physiotherapy. Michael believes the key to success is hard work, perseverance and loving what you do. Michael shapes his consultations by using evidence-based research that develop new techniques that help accelerate the recovery when treating patients.


ProHealth Physio

ProHealth Physio

ProHealth PhysioAs many of you would know at ABILITY GROUP we are very passionate about people, health and fitness. We believe and advocate people are the most important asset of any business and whether your people are injured at work or in day to day living, we have the specialist knowledge to help people return to work and re-enjoying life. We are therefore very excited to announce PROHEALTH PHYSIO our new physiotherapy clinic has opened. Located in the heart of Lane Cove on Sydney’s lower north shore our clinic is an extension to our suite of professional and allied health services that assist clients, partners and members of the community in navigating injury, return to work and the achievement of health and fitness goals.


Are Shift Workers At Risk

Are Shift Workers At Risk

Shift Workers At RiskRecently SafeWork Australia released a statistical report comparing injury rates between shift workforces as compared to non-shift workers spanning a variety of different industries administered in 2013-2014. The report demonstrates the injury rate for shift workers is significantly higher (more than twice the rate) when compared to non-shift workers. The increase in incidence of injury did not span across all shift-working industries. Individuals who operate machinery and drivers had significantly lower rates of injury when compared to their shift-working counterparts in other lines of work. So what shift workers are at the greatest risk? High risk shift industries as being; manufacturing, hospitality/food services, public administration and trades/labourers.
