$90,000 Premium Reduction Success

$90,000 Premium Reduction Success

Prior to our engagement, our client for many years used a different consultant / broker. Needless to say our client was excited to hear we had been able to successfully reduce their NSW workers compensation premium by $90,000. Based on a comprehensive review of their program,


Claim Review Saves Client $400,000

Claim Review Saves Client $400,000

After a new client engaged ABILITY GROUP to assist with a complex claim, our efforts secured a fantastic outcome that will save our client approx. $400,000 in premium increases. By the time we were involved,  solicitors and an arbitration date we already booked. The insurer had communicated very little to the client and what the injured worker was seeking through a settlement was a large amount that would have significantly impacted their premium.


Claim Declinature

Claim Declinature

The Christmas – New Year period has historically proven to be a busy period for workers compensation. Due to a variety of reasons, we see a higher frequency of claims during this period. Last December and just before Christmas break / public holidays, one of our clients had a psychological claim lodged against them. The worker had been terminated two weeks prior to the claim being lodged.


$90,000 Premium Reduction Success

Appeal Success Saves $550,000

iCare Appeal SuccessUnofficial industry views indicate the recent NSW workers compensation legislation and premium formula changes resulted in 70% of medium to large businesses expecting higher 2015/16 Renewal Premiums. ABILITY GROUP has already won NSW iCare appeals on behalf of our clients reducing premiums payable. Higher renewal & need help?


Claim RTW Success

Claim RTW Success

Claim & Rehab SuccessAfter identifying a client’s claim had deteriorated, we explained that the lost wages under the new workers compensation formula would result in material increases in their next 3 premiums. After subsequently being engaged to manage the claim, our Senior Injury Management Specialist identified key strategies, including engaging specialist rehabilitation support which returned the injured worker 4 weeks ahead of schedule.
