Industry News, Information & Insights
New Return to Work Strategy
The National Return to Work Strategy 2020-2030 has been implemented by Safework Australia members to help workers Return to Work (RTW), or to stay at work while recovering from their work-related injury or illness. Embedding effective and practical...
Take time to talk SafeTea
October is National Safe Work month so why not jump on board and host a 'SafeTea' chat this October. Each year Safe Work Australia runs a national campaign to promote & raise awareness around WHS in the workplace, this year they are calling it...
Construction Blitz: Silica Dust & Falls
Worksafe Victoria and SafeWork NSW have teamed up for the latest cross-border construction blitz to focus on the reduction of falls from heights and exposure to Crystalline Silica. In NSW construction sites, falls from heights have been the number...
Zero Tolerance – Fraudster to Repay Compensation
In a time when a lot of businesses are still recovering from the pandemic, fraudulent claims have been on the rise. These behaviours threaten the integrity of workers compensation schemes, taking money and resources away from genuinely injured...