Industry News, Information & Insights
SafeWork NSW – Japanese Encephalitis
Several commercial piggeries had been infected with JEV, mostly in Southern, Western & New England areas of NSW as well as in Queensland, Victoria & South Australia. SafeWork has provided information to assist businesses. The virus can be...
Premium Predictability for NSW Businesses
The NSW Government has instructed icare to limit the average premium rate increase for NSW workers compensation to 2.9 per cent, ensuring predictability and stability for businesses. This year the average premium rate is expected to be increased...
Close Contact & Isolation
A welcome relief for many NSW businesses, with close contacts no longer having to quarantine provided they wear a face mask in indoor settings. The pandemic is not over however restrictions can be lifted. Positive cases will still be required to...
Injury Management Process
Work-related injuries can include physical injuries, psychological disorders or diseases. Injury management process is often defined as a workplace-managed process incorporating the employer, worker, medical management & providers. The process...