Industry News, Information & Insights
Performance Management or Bullying?
We continue to see workers compensation claims being lodged for bullying and harassment in the workplace. Typically, these claims have stemmed from either formal or informal performance management conversations. Any employee receiving feedback...
Onsite Physiotherapy Benefits
Onsite physiotherapy is an important injury prevention strategy. When utilised successfully onsite physio can help businesses proactively avoid or minimise workplace injuries, identify injury prone work practices and generally improving employee...
COVID, Mental Health & Claims
We are all familiar with COVID-19 and understand that it has caused significant changes to the workforce. Do we however understand how to adjust to the psychological and mental health implications associated with COVID-19 in the...
Mental Health Hazards
Like physical health, mental (psychological) health, is an important part of work health and safety (WHS). There are many benefits of having a mentally healthy workplace and therefore understanding possible mental health hazards in the workplace is...