Industry News, Information & Insights
Working At Heights Without SWMS
Given the risks, when required to work at heights it is important for the employer to take extra care & attention. Risk Assessments & Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are required to be embedded as standard operating procedures. Failure...
Workplace Recovery
A quick recovery of an injured worker may not always be simple or easy. Workers agreeing to modified duties or reduced hours, can be beneficial to their well-being, assist with physical recovery and accelerate the return to work process. Workplace...
Employment & HR Myths
Human Resources (HR) can be complex & our goal is to make HR easier for businesses. We often hear of many uncertainties or myths. In this article we cover some common misconceptions including; warnings prior to termination, employment contracts...
Health Risks Of Sitting Disease
With COVID-19, several workers in many industries have moved to working from home, meaning most will have had an increase in their sitting times but what are the Health Risks of Sitting for extended periods? Dubbed the “Sitting Disease” (and...