Industry News, Information & Insights
Gaoled for Forgery
A carpenter who was found to have forged medical certificates in order to continue to receive payments under his workers compensation claim, has been gaoled for 9 months. The court also has ordered him to re-pay $112,975 in fruadlent payments...
Thursday 12 September 2019 is R U Ok? Day & is our national day focused to reminding everyone that every day is ok to ask "Are You ok?" Mental health related issues are prevelent across society & this year the RUOK Org's focus is "Trust the...
Reducing Workers Compensation Premiums
Workers compensation is typically one of the largest costs for a business. If not actively monitored/managed your premium can increase quickly. Embedding HR, WHS & staff well-being strategies in your workplace can help ensure affordable...
Company Penalised For No Records
Federal Circuit Court has ordered an owner and operator of two Sushi food outlets to pay $108,000 of penalties following a Fair Work audit that identified they failed to keep proper pay records and conditions. Company Penalised For No Records -...