Industry News, Information & Insights
Most Dangerous Jobs in Australia
No worker should face the risk of not coming home from work. We promote it is essential all Australian workplaces take every precaution to ensure their employees return home safe at the end of every day. So what are Australia’s most dangerous...
Accessing Worker Medical Records
A common question from employers is "Can you access your workers medical files?" Short answer, is if your worker is seeking compensation for an illness or injury that occurred at work, they do not have the right to complete privacy on their medical...
Pre-existing Conditions In Claims
There is an expression used by insurers ‘you take your worker as you find them’. In workers compensation, often the current employer can be held liable for an injury or condition from previous employment or sport injury or the likes. In defining...
RTW Coordinators in the ACT
The role of a RTW Coordinator is vital to achieving cost effective and durable return to work’s for people suffering from a work related injury or illness. Every state or territory has different requirements, so what happens in the ACT? RTW...