It isn’t surprising Australians call the December to January period the silly season. It is one of the busiest times of the year & one of the most dangerous periods for workers. It is therefore important for businesses to be aware of risks of physical injuries & mental health mental health in the workplace at this time of year.
Have Fun Be COVID Safe – Year-end celebrations are a chance to relax and unwind following a busy business year. Although no one wants to be a wet blanket, employers need to be aware of their duty-of-care obligations during year-end functions. Duty of care comes under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws and employers are responsible for their workers, whether their year-end celebrations or functions are held on or offsite
Workplace’s will have to comply with COVID safety in order for the festivities to take place. Christmas celebrations this year will not be the same as COVID is still a threat and and physical distancing is still very important. However, as long as safety measures are in place, a celebrating the end of the year should be encouraged to bring positivity to the workplace morale and culture, especially after a difficult year.
Tips for COVID safety Christmas celebrations.
- Hand sanitising stations should be readily accessible
- Use paper cups, not glasses
- Avoid food sharing plates and instead consider asking people to bring their own plates and cutlery.
- Keep the event small and choose the venue based of hot spot locations. Check maps and avoid booking venues with high case activity.
- Businesses will need to keep a record of everyone attending the venue for contact tracing requirements.
- Consider the use of technology and connecting those at risk by allowing them to attend via zoom.
Avoid potential serious situations or workers compensation issues by taking time to read some key articles from leading sources.
| Make your year end celebration fun yet safe | Some links to information to help you have fun and keep safe:
Title: The Silly Season and Mental Health – Top Tips to Keep Staff Safe and Happy
Source: Smart Company
Read time: 2 minutes
Title: Make your end of year celebration a safe one
Source: SafeWork NSW
Read time: 2 minutes
Title: Can Christmas parties go ahead during the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Source: Business Australia
Read time: 4 minutes