Effective claims management process typical requires a business to ensure they have practical WHS procedures, an efficient first response protocol, an embedded workplace injury process, early reporting, intervention and an tailored return to work plan to support their employee’s injury management. Workers compensation claims management process can be complex & we are here to make it easier for you.

If you thought the initial stages of a workplace injury can be complicated, it gets more complex quickly given you should also have a sound understanding of the workers compensation claim management process too to avoid unecessary costs to yrou business. Many businesses can unfortunately be left stuck with claims that; do not have a clear end-date in sight, worker capacity downgrades or failure to progress. Often approved claims may not even be work related. It is important to know when to question a worker, how to facilitate an upgrade in capacity and who to escalate a claim to once it becomes complex.

An article from Insurance News discuss’ a man who claimed workers compensation for two years after falsely claiming that he injured his ankle jumping from a truck at work when he actually injured his leg on a night out whilst drinking. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see false claims where workers try to take advantage of the system to reap their own benefits, at the expense of their employers premium. It is important to keep people honest and ensure those who genuinely require assistance are compensated for and supported back to the workplace as early and as safe as possible.

Most businesses specialise in their specific field of expertise yet WHS and Workers Compensation is not typically a core strenght for many businesses. When a business consequently may not understand the workers compensation claims management process, things can get messy quickly which can take 3 subsequent policy years to reduce related premium increases.

At ABILITY GROUP we specialise in embedding effective claim management processes within our clients businesses & we are here to help you. If you need advice or support, please contact our RTW & Injury Managment specialists.

Source: Insurance News

Title: Man who injured ankle on a dare to repay $100,000 workers’ comp

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