The pre-employment functional assessment is a cost effective way to gather information which can help determine whether an individual is fit to perform the respective role without risk to themselves or others in the workplace. The purpose of a pre-employment functional assessment is to appropriately place prospective employees in an environment that is suitable to their physical capabilities.
There are numerous benefits to conducting pre-employment functional assessments. These include a safer work environment, reduction in workplace injuries and in turn this will minimise downtime and workers compensation claims (and therefore premium costs). However, for the pre-employment to be effective, the assessment should be appropriate to the requirement of the job role, it should be tailored to the workers relevant medical history and be performed by a allied health professional (physio, exercise physiology or occupational therapist) to ensure validity.
Here at ABILITY GROUP, HEALTH ABILITY functional assessments (also referred to as pre-employment screening) are conducted in a timely and accurate manner to optimise quality in health data management and communications. Find out how your business can benefit from pre-employment functional assessments tailored to your workplace, contact ABILITY GROUP to discuss ensuring you select the best suited candidate.