The role of a RTW Coordinator is vital to achieving cost effective and durable return to work’s for people suffering from a work related injury or illness. Every state or territory has different requirements, so what happens in the ACT?
RTW Coordinators in the ACT – Any employer who is self insured or pays an annual Workers Compensation premium of $200,000 is required to appoint a Return To Work Coordinator.
They are responsible for identifying suitable duties within the workplace and identifying ways to improve return to work outcomes.
In order to achieve this they will be liaising with key parties, including but not limited to, the injured worker, insurer and Doctors.
In order
to meet the obligation, a RTW Coordinator will need to attend a one day course
run by ACT Worksafe.
Alternatively if a person holds relevant experience, in both the ACT Workers Compensation legislation and in implementing and maintaining RTW’s, identifying suitable duties and liaising with key stakeholders they can be accredited by preparing a submission to ACT Worksafe.
If you are seeking a cost effective and convenient way to meet your ACT legislative RTW requirements, please contact our qualified RTW Coordinators to discuss your needs.
Source: Access Canberra
Title: Return to Work Coordinators
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