Suspicious Claim InvestigationsThe upcoming NSW medium to large business workers compensation changes mean the assessment of liability will be become increasingly critical. The ability to identify and document the facts of an injury can become crucial in minimising the future costs, speed of return to work and acceptance of liability. Employers who are suspicious of particular claims will benefit from use of investigators.

Suspicious Claims Investigation – social media and related information have emerged as a investigators tools to supporting the identification information to employer battle against suspicious workers compensation claims.

For further information, please refer to the following articles:

Source: Canberra Times

Title: Using social media to catch workers’ comp cheats

Read Time: < 1 minutes

Source: New York Post

Title: Cop with ‘back injury’ charged with fraud after doing ice bucket challenge

Read Time: < 1 minutes

Source: Business Insurance

Title: Social media posts put brakes on man’s chronic fatigue fraud

Read Time: < 1 minutes