With the ongoing COVID pandemic & restrictions imposed, many employers have had no choice but to stand down employees, reduce hours or accessing government aid schemes such as job keeper. icare has consequently updated it Wages Definition manual to assist businesses.

Due to the changes in the restrictions & the extension of the lockdown in NSW, it is important that employers ensure that they up to date with the current policies made by Icare such as the Wages Definition Manual 2021.

This updated Manual aims to help ensure there is a consistent approach to the declaration of remuneration. This consistency will help make sure that each employer covered for workers’ compensation insurance administered by Icare pays the correct amount of premium.

This has created confusion in terms of what should be considered and declared as rateable remuneration for workers compensation purposes.

For this reason, iCare have updated Wages Definition Manual in order to assist employers in ascertaining what should be included in their Declaration of Wages for Premium calculation purposes.

The updated document can be sourced from icare or for your ease of reference, the link below.

Please contact us if you have any questions or require any assistance with the completion and submission of Actual Wages Declarations.

Source: icare

Title: Wages Definition Manual 2021

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