Work Health & Safety (WHS) terminology can be confusing & a particular phrase we get asked about is, what’s a PCBU ? A PCBU, or Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking, is a legal term used in Australian work health and safety (WHS) legislation to describe any entity that conducts a business or undertaking, regardless of its size or legal structure. A PCBU can be a corporation, partnership, sole trader, government agency, or any other type of entity that carries out work activities. It is important to note that a PCBU can also be an individual who conducts a business or undertaking.

Under WHS legislation, PCBUs have the primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers and other people who may be affected by their work activities, such as contractors, visitors, and customers. This duty requires PCBUs to identify and manage workplace risks, consult with workers and their representatives on WHS matters, and provide adequate training, supervision, and resources to ensure the safety of their workers.

PCBUs also have a duty to provide and maintain a safe work environment, including providing safe plant, equipment, and systems of work, and ensuring that any substances used in the workplace are handled safely. PCBUs must also have effective systems in place for reporting and investigating workplace incidents and must keep records of these incidents.

Non-compliance with WHS legislation can result in penalties, fines, and legal action, and can have serious consequences for the health and safety of workers and others affected by work activities. It is therefore essential for PCBUs to take their WHS obligations seriously and implement effective WHS management systems to ensure the health and safety of their workers.

For further information, please refer below or contact us to discuss.

Source: Fairwork Commission
Title: What is a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)?
Read Time: 5 minutes

Source: SafeWork NSW
Title: PCBU
Read time: 5 minutes