A construction safety blitz  has revealed many construction businesses aren’t meeting their safety obligations under current WHS legislation. SafeWork’s message is construction businesses need to do better when it comes to the safety of their workers.

Construction Safety Blitz – In March this year, a Bankstown building contractor company was fined $405,000 for failing to protect the health and safety of its workers following the death of a 19-year-old apprentice who fell from a height while building a walkway platform. This is not an isolated incident with falls from heights being the number one killer on construction sites with the incidents of falls from heights doubling in the last five years.  SafeWork NSW has responded to this increase by kicking off a 12-month safety blitz in November last year. This blitz marks the first time that SafeWork inspectors have been given the power to issue on the spot fines of up to $3,600 to construction companies that fail to protect their workers from falls.

Since this safety blitz commenced, more than 460 construction sites in NSW have been visited with $155,000 in fines for breaches of safety laws being issued. Six construction companies have also been prosecuted by SafeWork and have been fined a total of $780,00 in the District Court.

The message from SafeWork is that construction companies need to do better when it comes to protecting the safety of their workers and  that inspectors will continue to crack down on non-complaint work sites.

With this current safety blitz it is now more important then ever that construction companies ensure know what they are aware of their obligations under current WHS laws and have the correct safety documentation and processes in place to ensure the safety of your workers.

For assistance in ensuring you are compliant with current WHS legislation contact ABILITY GROUP on 02 9098 5500 to speak with one of our expert WHS consultants.

For further information, please refer to:

Title: Construction Industry Safety Blitz Underway

Source: Safework NSW

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