Thursday 12 September 2019 is R U Ok? Day & is our national day focused to reminding everyone that every day is ok to ask “Are You ok?” Mental health related issues are prevelent across society & this year the RUOK Org’s focus is “Trust the Signs, Trust Your Gut & Ask R U OK?”
R U OK? If mental health issues are the leading cause of death among people 15 to 44, this becomes a significant issue for all businesses as the workforce is mostly in the same age category.
Whilst psychological injuries are on the rise, many injuries start with a physical condition that can easily become difficult due to the poor mental health of the worker. Many businesses have work practices & safety policies and procedures, however they are not always sure on how to keep their people healthy mentally & physically.
Opening up the conversation with someone you trust, like your partner at ABILITY GROUP we can assist & guide you with regard to workplace strategies to assist you in managing the health risks in your business that could become claims or impact your productivity.
The references below provide some practical steps & information as to how to start the conversation. If you need help or want to discuss how to start a conversation, contact our friend team of people specialists for support.
Source: EAP Assist
Title: Ask A Co-wokrer – R U Ok?
Read Time: 1 minute
Source: R U OK Org
Title: How To Ask?
Read Time: 2+ minutes