SafeWork Australia recently released its latest comparison data including valuable insights relating to work health & safety (WHS), workers compensation & related aspects. What does this mean for my business? Do I need help?

From SafeWork Australia’s latest Comparative Performance Monitoring report, the trends of the WHS and workers compensation schemes show improvements in the overall rate of incidence of serious claims, however show an increase in the incidence of mental health claims.

The 4 key findings from the report are as follows:

  1. The incident rate of serious workers’ compensation claims has decreased by 9% across Australia over the last 5 years. A serious claim is a claim that experiences total incapacity from work for one or more working weeks.
  2. The incidence rate of long term (12 weeks or more compensation) injury and disease claims in Australia between 2013–14 and 2017–18 remained steady.
  3. 49% of claims in Australia were concluded in less than six weeks of compensation.
  4. On average, 11% of all claims across Australia continued for 52 weeks or more.
  • The leading Mechanising of incident for serious claims between 2013-14 and 2018-19 was ‘Body stressing’ – accounting for 36.2%
  • Body stressing claims however, experienced the highest reduction in claims {13%} between the period 2013–14 and 2017–18.
  • Mental stress claims increased by 26% during this same period. This increased rate is alarming and highlights the importance that WHS initiatives should have a stronger focus on individual’s psychological health, ensuring a more holistic approach to encourage and support the worker in the workplace. 

What can I do to improve WHS & minimise Workplace Injuries in my business?

  1. Review or implement an effective WHS Management System
  2. Understand the physical requirements of a task and ensure people are fit to perform these
  3. Embed processes and safety first behaviours
  4. Implement technology to ensure you are compliant and efficient

Did you know ABILITY GROUP provides WHS support to business of all sizes across industries? Need help, contact our WHS specialists for advice.

Source: Safework Australia

Title: Work health and safety and workers’ compensation scheme performance in 2018–19

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