The Work, Health & Safety Regulation 2011 was repealed on 1 September’17 & replaced by the Work Health & Safety Regulation 2017, which came into effect on the same day. The new regulation is essentially the same as the 2011 Regulation with some minor changes.

The new regulation is essentially the same as the 2011 Regulation with some minor changes outlined here.

Work Health and Safety Bill going to Parliament

Following the recent statutory review of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act), the Work, Health and Safety Bill 2017 will be soon introduced to the NSW Parliament for consideration.

As part of the NSW Review, the community was asked to provide feedback on the Work, Health and Safety laws. The review found that the objectives of the WHS Act remain valid and the terms remain generally appropriate for securing those objectives.

Some of the recommendations from the Review include:

  • The introduction of new penalty notice offences for unlicensed high-risk work and falls from heights.
  • Allowing for penalty notices to be issued electronically.
  • Clarifying responsibility for certain dangerous goods and high-risk plant that may affect public safety when not at a workplace.
  • The ability for inspectors to record interviews regardless of whether the interviewee consents, while still retaining the current self-incrimination provisions and ensuring the interviewee is advised that the recording is to be undertaken.
  • Clarifying the ability of the NSW regulators to obtain records and issue notices outside of NSW, to the extent the State’s legislative power allows

Source: SAFEWORK Wrap

Change: Table of Amendments