Most jobs typically require some type of manual handling. Manual handling can involve lifting, pushing or pulling for various purposes such as; stacking shelves, carrying machinery / equipment, pushing / moving trolleys, equipment or the likes. SafeWork Australia has released a Manual Handling Code of Practice.
Workplace Manual Handling Limit – Given the high occurrence of manual tasks in the work environment, many workers may find themselves pushing their bodies to complete the task and hinder injuring themselves based off poor handling techniques.
There are often misconceptions surrounding what the legal lifting limit in the workplace are.
SafeWork Australia mentioned from a previous discussion that there is in fact, no legal limit and the “limit” is based off a risk assessment and on what is deemed safe specific to the individual’s physical capabilities.
A risk assessment should be carried out fort any manual tasks that have the potential of being hazardous or you have identified as being hazardous. A risk assessment of manual tasks will help identify postures, movements and forces that pose a risk as well as why they are happening and what needs to be done for it to be fixed.
Need help with WHS or manual handling? Contact us to find out more or please refer to general advice on assessing and managing risks can be found in the:
Source: SafeWork
Title: Model Code of Practice: Hazardous Manual Tasks
Read Time: 30+ minutes
Source: SafeWork
Title: Identify, assess and control hazards.
Read Time: 10 Minutes