2017 saw significant change & no industry more so than in workers compensation in NSW. During January, we have seen the new icare + EML claims model launch as well as many businesses finally received their 30 June 2017 renewals.
On Behalf Of The Ability Group Team, Julie And I Would Like To Thank You For Your Support During 2017.
We Wish You& Your Families A Happy & Safe Holiday Period. We Look Forward To Partnering With You In 2018.
Please note Our Office Closes end of day THURSDAY 22 December 2017 & reopens on MONday 8 January 2018. During This Time For Any Urgent Matters, Please Contact Julie (0431693213) Or Marc (0412903107).
Since the transition to icare, as the nominal insurer, a lot has changed in the way workers compensation operates in NSW. One of the major changes will take effect from 1 January 2018 with EML acting as the sole appointed claims service provider.
There are a number of issues employers should consider before introducing drug & alcohol testing into their workplace. First & foremost, an employer must consider if they have a right to drug & alcohol test their workers? HR professionals support businesses.
SafeWork Australia has released 2015/16 workers compensation data that shows serious claim costs increased by 30%. It is important for employers to provide a safe workplace & training to help prevent injuries. Data indicated certain age groups & industries are at risk.