Declaring Wages Guide & Support

Declaring Wages Guide & Support

Businesses with Workers Compensation insurance must declare the amount of wages they actually paid within the policy year. Businesses must submit their Actual Wage Declaration at the end of their workers compensation insurance policy period. Your Adjustment Premium will be recalculated to help ensure each business pays the correct premium and contributes equitably to the scheme. Our Declaring wages guide & support can help make this process easier.

NSW Premiums Increase by 8% Maximum

NSW Premiums Increase by 8% Maximum

icare confirmed today that NSW workers compensation premiums will increase by the maximum allowed. This represents an average of 8% as previously communicated. Businesses already facing higher costs will be required to manage workplace injuries, workers compensation claims and related matters much more closely or face significantly higher premiums in subsequent years.

Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety

Forklift safety can be enhanced through collaboration between workers and businesses. Forklifts are widely used in workplaces across Australia, but they are also responsible for numerous deaths and injuries each year, leading to significant financial and human costs. In February 2024, a Victorian company was fined $1.3M for Industrial Manslaughter resulting from a forklift-related death and so we wanted to highlight the importance of forklift safety.

NSW Industrial Manslaughter Update

NSW Industrial Manslaughter Update

The question of criminal liability in cases of workplace fatalities has been a longstanding subject of discussion both within New South Wales (NSW) and across Australia. NSW Industrial manslaughter laws address situations where either a business entity or an individual bears responsibility for the loss of life due to negligent or reckless conduct within the workplace. The NSW Government is currently reviewing public feedback before taking next steps.
