NSW Industrial Manslaughter Update

NSW Industrial Manslaughter Update

The question of criminal liability in cases of workplace fatalities has been a longstanding subject of discussion both within New South Wales (NSW) and across Australia. NSW Industrial manslaughter laws address situations where either a business entity or an individual bears responsibility for the loss of life due to negligent or reckless conduct within the workplace. The NSW Government is currently reviewing public feedback before taking next steps.

Importance of Early Notification

Importance of Early Notification

Based on discussions with clients, the importance of early notification is not as widely known as expected. With workplace injuries, early notification, contact and support typically result in better health and recovery outcomes. Evidence shows employees are more likely to stay at or return to work when potential risks are identified, their individual needs are assessed, and treatment and/or rehabilitation services begin as soon as possible.

Effective Return to Work (RTW) System

Effective Return to Work (RTW) System

An effective Return to Work (RTW) System is important for facilitating the safe and timely RTW of an employee following an injury or illness. A well-designed RTW System focuses on supporting employees throughout their rehabilitation process, promoting their physical and psychological recovery, and facilitating their successful reintegration into the workplace. We explore the components that are essential for developing an effective RTW System.
