NSW Workers compensation under fire

NSW Workers compensation under fire

The NSW workers compensation scheme and nominal insurer (icare) have come under fire from an industry expert. icare insures 3.6 million employees and collects over $2 billion in premiums p.a. According to former principal actuarial adviser, the NSW scheme is in jeopardy.



Thursday 12 September 2019 is R U Ok? Day & is our national day focused to reminding everyone that every day is ok to ask “Are You ok?” Mental health related issues are prevelent across society & this year the RUOK Org’s focus is “Trust the Signs, Trust Your Gut & Ask R U OK?”

Return to Work Compliance

Return to Work Compliance

[REMINDER] State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) updated NSW Return to Work (RTW) guidelines back in May 2017. NSW businesses were granted a 2 year period to become compliant & must ensure NSW RTW compliance before 31 May 2019.
