by Marc Ring | Sep 26, 2014 | Consulting, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
Poor health is a key factor in the duration of a workers compensation claim. If an injured worker has other health issues these can impact the cost of the claim and quite often become intertwined with the claim resulting in increased costs and frustration for business owners who often feel they are not liable for external health issues. Raising awareness within the workplace may be the best place to start, start your employees thinking about being healthier and you will reap the benefits. ABILITY GROUP has been working with an Exercise Physiologist to implement health and wellbeing program within our own business and can assist you with practical solutions to help you find the best solution for your business.
by Marc Ring | Aug 28, 2014 | Consulting, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
Workers compensation injuries have personal and financial impacts for the injured employee as well as their employer. At times and depending on the circumstances, it can be difficult for businesses to create suitable duties and effectively manage this process. When such situations become increasingly frustrating for a business to manage, we occasionally get asked about the process of terminating injured employees.
This is a complex area and needs to be treated with a high degree of caution, sensitivity and consideration.
by Marc Ring | Aug 25, 2014 | Consulting, Success Story, Workers Compensation
In June 2014 ABILITY GROUP were engaged by a new client to undertake a strategic review of their workers compensation. Recently we advised the Managing Director that our efforts delivered $165,000 of workers compensation related savings.
In undertaking our review we commenced by investing time to meet with our new client and to obtain a detailed understanding of their business, workers compensation pain points as well as what outcomes they were ideally seeking.
by Marc Ring | Aug 20, 2014 | Claim costs, Consulting, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
We are increasingly finding situations where we need to engage the specialist assistance of our preferred investigators, Insight Intelligence, to minimise the business and financial impacts of workers compensation claims.
Inevitably due to circumstances in the workplace, launching an investigation to gather documented evidence from a claimant, witnesses or employer is required to assist in determining appropriate liability or actions required. Investigations can be either factual or surveillance in nature.
by Marc Ring | Jul 31, 2014 | Consulting, Workers Compensation
Previously we advised that the NSW Government predicted the latest WorkCover legislation changes would reduce workers compensation premiums. For some businesses, these changes however have actually resulted in higher 2014/15 renewal premiums.
The late re-issuance of NSW WorkCover Insurance Premium Order (IPO) has meant some businesses are yet to receive their renewal premiums and invoicing and as such, if their workers compensation renewal has increased. An unexpected cost can have a dramatic impact on a business’ cash flow and in context of other changes there could be steps taken to reduce costs.
by Marc Ring | Jul 25, 2014 | Consulting, Workers Compensation
ABILITY GROUP had been working with a client for about 6 months in implementing strategies to reduce workers compensation related costs and their effort. We were excited to be able to advise our client recently that we had delivered $85,000 of workers compensation related savings for their business.